Thursday, February 5, 2009

Pastor Michael Mullins' Perspective on Stem Cell Research

Pastor Michael Mullins shares his point of view on stem cell research in a letter to Senator Eichenberg.

Senator Eichenberg:

I am writing to express my opposition to SB77. I do not believe that historically, ethically or medically this bill truly serves any purpose other than monetary greed. The argument that the end justifies the means does not fit here because, according to all research available at the moment, only adult stem cells have produced successful results.

Your committee's vote on this matter reaches into the ethical and moral arenas of life. A vote for this measure swings open the abortion-for-profit mills and does not adequately address proper punishment for violation of the act as set.

I am praying that you and your committee truly understand the implications of what you are doing and not allow the trends of states around us, or our nation, to sway your opinions and decisions.Thank you for your time and consideration of my message.

Michael J Mullins