Tuesday, February 2, 2010

SB 183 Advances

SB-183 –Domestic Partnership
Moves to Senate Judiciary Committee

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The Senate Public Affairs and Judiciary Committees held a joint hearing at 1 PM.
After proponents and opponents gave testimonies, the Public Affairs Committee voted to send the bill to the Judiciary Committee with an additional committee referral to the Finance Committee.

However, the additional finance committee assignment must be approved by the entire Senate. That vote will take place tomorrow (Wednesday 2/3) approximately 10 AM.

Contact your senator ASAP. Respectfully ask him/her to support the committee referral to Finance.

How to Find Your Senator
1. Visit http://www.mapquest.com/ . Type in your home address. Find the 9 digit zip code from Mapquest.
2. Visit http://www.nmlegis.gov/lcs/legzipcode.aspx. Copy and paste the first 5 digits of your zip code into the first box. Then copy the last 4 digits into the second box.

It is especially critical if your senator is one of the following: Campos, Ulibarri, Smith, R. Martinez, Munoz, B. Sanchez, Pinto, and Jennings.

Thank you for your continued commitment to life, marriage and family.

The Traditional Values Action Committee-NM