Monday, January 19, 2009

Against All Odds

If the current political landscape resembled the world of sports, the cause of traditional values would be facing a large halftime deficit. Opponents of traditional marriage, family structure and the right to life have made tremendous gains in recent years, particularly with major coups in recent election cycles. However, a big deficit at halftime does not mean a lost cause. In fact, we should take this opportunity to gather ourselves and take action to ensure that our deficit at halftime does not result in losses when the game is over.

A perfect example of this from the sports world occurred in the National Football League playoffs in January 1993. The Buffalo Bills found themselves trailing the Houston Oilers 35 to 3 at halftime. The Bills could have easily rolled over at that juncture. No team had ever erased a 32 point deficit at halftime in playoffs, and the Bills would need to climb this mountain with their backup quarterback Frank Reich. The Bills showed diligence and played a nearly perfect 2nd half, forcing the Oilers into miscues and capitalizing on them. The Bills won that game 41-38 and proceeded to their 3rd straight Super Bowl appearance.

We can learn a lot from the Bills effort that day. We must never give up, no matter how bleak external factors appear to be. We must continue to defend traditional values and our diligent efforts will result in progress for our beliefs.

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