Friday, January 30, 2009

Perspective on the Senate Joint Committee Hearing on SB 12

Father Pio O'Connor shares his thoughts on Wednesday's Senate Joint Committee Hearing of the Domestic Partnership Bill.

“Why do they care so much about something that has nothing to do with them?” asked a supporter of Senate Bill 12.

This bill has everything to do with us! The Domestic Partners Rights and Responsibilities Act, if passed, will open the door to taking away our religious freedom as a country founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs.

“This is not a marriage bill,” declares the sponsor of the bill.

If this bill passes, the New Mexico courts can act and declare – as the courts did in California – that the ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional! Once same-sex marriage is passed, then the Judeo-Christian teaching that homosexuality is a disorder and homosexual acts are wrong will become a crime!

If same-sex marriage is allowed by the state, then anyone opposed to homosexual marriage because of their religious beliefs would be persecuted. This has already happened in New Mexico!

The New Mexico Human Rights Commission ruled last year that an Albuquerque photographer was guilty of discrimination for refusing to photograph a same-sex “commitment ceremony” because of the photographer’s religious beliefs.

“This is a civil rights issue,” says Senator Eric Griego, a Catholic who amazingly supports this bill. His words are prophetic. If this bill passes the civil rights of ordinary citizens will be threatened as they are coerced by the courts to accept homosexuals as “normal” and “acceptable” even if their religious beliefs tell them different.

As a Catholic priest: If I stand up on a Sunday in church and proclaim the teaching of the Catholic Church that homosexual orientation is a disorder and not in God’s plan for man and woman (“be fruitful and multiply”), and that living actively the gay life style is gravely sinful – will I be arrested for “hate” speech and discriminating against homosexuals, who’s marriage is now legal?

The Domestic Partnership Bill is on a crash course with religious liberty! PLEASE VOTE NO ON SENATE BILL 12.

1 comment:

  1. I notice that no comments have been posted since Senator B. Sanchez' devastating vote in the Judiciary committee yesterday, Feb. 16. Her vote actally prompted me to subscribe to the Traditional Values Action Committee (better late than never!). I attend a mega church in Albuquerque, and I'm feeling somewhat frustrated that our body of believers isn't politically organized in any way. I know there are thousands of us that believe in like fashion (after all, we believe God's word), but we don't seem to be guided by our pastors to truly engage in the political culture. We are encouraged to engage in other areas of culture, but those governing us seem to be off limits, other than to be praying for them (I realize this is the most important aspect of engagement). SB12 will pass the Senate, barring a miracle from God. Let's pray for such a miracle, but let's also be guided by the Holy Spirit to come together in strong voices to our political leaders!
