Friday, November 13, 2009

2 Reasons To Call NM Senators


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David Hamilton-Nominee for 7th Circuit Court of Appeals

As early as Monday 11/16, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will likely file a procedural motion to clear his nomination.

Call NM senators (contact info below). Tell them to VOTE NO on David Hamilton’s nomination for the reasons below.

You may recall our alert about his appointment back in May. There was ENORMOUS public outcry against President Obama’s nomination of this former executive director of NARAL and ACORN fundraiser. In addition, he:

* was called “not qualified” by the American Bar Association
* ordered the Indiana Speaker of the House to cease prayers using Jesus’ name at the opening of the legislative sessions
* ruled that praying to Allah was acceptable in opening prayers
* has a long history of overt judicial activism, stating a judge’s primary job is to “write footnotes in the Constitution”
* blocked reasonable abortion informed consent laws

Senator Jeff Bingaman
Phone: 202-224-5521
Fax: 202-224-2852

Senator Tom Udall
Phone: 202-224-6621
Fax: 202-228-3261

Senate Healthcare Bill

Next week the senate will resume writing their final version of healthcare reform legislation.

Call NM senators and urge them to insist on the following:

* insert the language of the Stupak Amendment, which appears in HR 3962 and passed in the House last week. It ensures NO FEDERAL FUNDING for abortion. Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) plans to offer the Stupak Amendment language for a Senate vote.
* protection of conscience regulations for healthcare workers
* tort reform for medical malpractice suits

Pointing out the following would also help improve the legislation:

* as currently drafted healthcare reform will impose rigid control on private health plans, amounting to government run healthcare
* there is currently no protection to prevent rationing of care resulting in the hastening of death for elderly Americans

Please consider a donation to TVAC-NM today ( to help us continue to provide legislative alerts and updates to protect life, marriage, and families.

Encourage others to subscribe at We must continue to build our subscriber base to ensure success in the upcoming NM Legislative Session (where we will face a formidable assault to pass domestic partnership, designed to impose gay marriage against the will of the majority of New Mexicans) and to defeat federal legislation disrespecting life, marriage and families.

Thank you for your steadfast commitment to protect life, marriage and families!


The Traditional Values Action Committee-NM



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