Friday, November 20, 2009

Call NM Senators Today


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Senate Healthcare Reform

The Senate is moving toward a pivotal vote Saturday 11/21 to stop efforts to block passage of its deeply flawed healthcare legislation. As currently drafted, senate healthcare legislation:

  • includes federal funding for abortion (inclusion of the Stupak amendment wording was defeated) by funneling massive subsidies to both public and private insurers

  • levies a new “abortion premium fee” in the govt run plan (pg 118, beginning on line 7, section 1303-Voluntary Choice of Coverage of Abortion Services). The Health & Human Services Secretary is given authority to determine when abortion is allowed under the government run plan.

  • does not protect insurance companies that do not want to cover abortions

  • like HR 3692 which passed the House, this bill understates its actual cost by excluding provisions to prevent a 21% drop in physicians slated to take effect in January. Its real cost will exceed $1 trillion.

  • includes penalties for employers who don’t provide coverage and for individuals who do not carry insurance

Before the legislation can be debated in the Senate, Senator Harry Reid must marshal 60 votes to oppose a filibuster against the motion to proceed.

Call NM senators TODAY. Tell them to vote against the motion to proceed!

Senator Jeff Bingaman
Phone: 202-224-5521
Fax: 202-224-2852

Senator Tom Udall
Phone: 202-224-6621
Fax: 202-228-3261

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to the defense of life, marriage and families!

Please consider donating to TVAC-NM today ( so that we may continue to provide federal and state legislative updates in time to make a difference!


The Traditional Values Action Committee-NM


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