Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sanctity of Life and Unity Day-Friday, 1/22/10 in Santa Fe

Sanctity of Life and Unity Day-Friday, 1/22/10 in Santa Fe

An event defending life and marriage

9-11 AM, at the St. Francis Cathedral School (corner of Paseo de Peralta and Alameda) Catholics and Evangelicals will gather to commemorate the 36th anniversary of Roe v Wade. Christian pastors and legislators will address attendees. Breakfast will be provided by Knights of Columbus. Exhibitors will be present.

11 AM-The 3 NM Catholic bishops and Evangelical pastors will discuss life and marriage.

Noon-Life Mass at the Cathedral, interdenominational service at the cathedral school.

1:10 PM-Attendees gather in front of the cathedral for the procession to the Capitol-Roundhouse, for a prayer service which will honor life and marriage. Speakers will address participants.

2:30 PM-4:00 PM, Rally at the Roundhouse-More speakers and the opportunity to visit legislator offices.

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