Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Domestic Partnership Legislation INTRODUCED

The anticipated 816 page domestic partnership bill was introduced by Senator Peter Wirth. It is Senate Bill 183. WE MUST STOP DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP in all its forms NOW!


1-Contact the senators listed below IMMEDIATELY. Tell them, “Attend to NM’s nearly $1 billion deficit. We oppose domestic partnership. This is NO TIME to deal with an 816 page bill (SB 183), which no one has the time to analyze.”

Tim Eichenberg-Democrat
(505) 986-4859

Cynthia Nava-Democrat
(505) 986-4834

Dede Feldman-Democrat
(505) 986-4482

Mary Jane Garcia-Democrat
(505) 986-4726

Peter Wirth-Democrat
(505) 986-4276

All Senators can be faxed at 505-986-4280

2-We urge you to contact Governor Bill Richardson. Say, "I oppose Domestic Partnership SB 183 and any other bill that attempts to support Domestic Partnership such as SB 146, which changes bride and groom to applicant 1 and 2."

Governor Bill Richardson
Phone: 505-476-2200
Email: http://www.governor.state.nm.us/emailchoice.php?mm=6

3- KRQE 13 is taking an Internet poll about domestic partnership. Please participate so that accurate numbers regarding opposition to domestic partnership will be reported.

* Go to http://www.krqe.com/
* Click on the Legislature tab on front page
* Scroll down the page and you will see the survey
* Vote No in the survey


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Thank you for your commitment to defending life, marriage and family!

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