Thursday, January 21, 2010

Domestic Partnership Update

Domestic Partnership-The Battle Begins

Prepare to Engage

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Yesterday, in his State of the State message before the NM Legislature, Governor Richardson announced his full support for passing domestic partnership legislation. He proclaimed that is was time an end to such discrimination.

The governor didn’t articulate the MASS discrimination that will occur as a result of passing legislation protecting domestic partnership and same-sex marriage:
• A loss of free speech for ordinary citizens
• A loss of religious liberty to oppose anti-biblical precepts
• Forced same-sex education school curricula

Individuals, churches and religious institutions will be prosecuted. In fact, they have already begun to be prosecuted:
• a California ob/gyn was sued for refusing to artificially inseminate a lesbian couple
• an Albuquerque photography studio was sued for its refusal to photograph a same-sex union ceremony
• a New Jersey church was sued because it would not allow its grounds to be used for a same-sex union ceremony
• In Canada and Europe, pastors have been censored and arrested for hate crime violations for preaching or simply reading scripture verses condemning homosexual behavior.

We must be ready to defend our Lord's law against this attack. We must be ready to make phone calls, send e-mails and appear before committees in order to defeat these bills as soon as we get a bill number and committee assignment. We must SHOW and TELL our elected Legislators we will not allow these attacks on our traditional values to succeed.

Now is the time to educate family, friends and colleagues about the dangers of domestic partnership legislation, designed to result in same-sex marriage. Encourage them to become involved in this important fight, which will impact NM and our nation for decades.

Pro-Life/Marriage Rally
Join us in Santa Fe, on Friday, January 22nd, at the Cathedral Basilica School of St. Francis of Assisi (corner of Alameda and Paseo de Peralta) from 9-11 AM to hear pro-life/pro-marriage speakers, as we commemorate the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. At 11 AM, in an historic ecumenical event, the 3 NM Catholic Bishops and Evangelical Pastors will address attendees. At noon, Catholics will celebrate a pro-life/marriage mass at the cathedral while evangelicals will conduct a pro-life/marriage service at the school. At 1:15 PM, all will gather in front of the cathedral for the annual March for Life, which ends at the Capitol Roundhouse for a rally. Inside the Rotunda, participants will have an opportunity to sign the Manhattan Declaration, already signed by 500,000 Americans, which supports life, marriage, family, and religious liberty. Our signatures will be presented to Governor Richardson.

TVAC-NM is committed to providing up-to-the-minute alerts on all legislative developments, on the state and federal level, which impact life, marriage and family.

Encourage others subscribe at to receive e-mail and text alerts. Please consider donating to TVAC-NM so this important work of protecting life, marriage and family can continue.

Thank you for your commitment to defending life, marriage and family!

The Traditional Values Action Committee-NM

1 comment:

  1. Hey the speaches will be great I am sure, what I want to know is what is the plan to ensure there is mobilization of the churches on this issue. We were part of last years effort and we don't want to miss this year.
