Friday, November 20, 2009

Call NM Senators Today


Please circulate this information to family, friends and colleagues. Encourage them to visit to subscribe to receive their personal alerts.

Senate Healthcare Reform

The Senate is moving toward a pivotal vote Saturday 11/21 to stop efforts to block passage of its deeply flawed healthcare legislation. As currently drafted, senate healthcare legislation:

  • includes federal funding for abortion (inclusion of the Stupak amendment wording was defeated) by funneling massive subsidies to both public and private insurers

  • levies a new “abortion premium fee” in the govt run plan (pg 118, beginning on line 7, section 1303-Voluntary Choice of Coverage of Abortion Services). The Health & Human Services Secretary is given authority to determine when abortion is allowed under the government run plan.

  • does not protect insurance companies that do not want to cover abortions

  • like HR 3692 which passed the House, this bill understates its actual cost by excluding provisions to prevent a 21% drop in physicians slated to take effect in January. Its real cost will exceed $1 trillion.

  • includes penalties for employers who don’t provide coverage and for individuals who do not carry insurance

Before the legislation can be debated in the Senate, Senator Harry Reid must marshal 60 votes to oppose a filibuster against the motion to proceed.

Call NM senators TODAY. Tell them to vote against the motion to proceed!

Senator Jeff Bingaman
Phone: 202-224-5521
Fax: 202-224-2852

Senator Tom Udall
Phone: 202-224-6621
Fax: 202-228-3261

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to the defense of life, marriage and families!

Please consider donating to TVAC-NM today ( so that we may continue to provide federal and state legislative updates in time to make a difference!


The Traditional Values Action Committee-NM


Friday, November 13, 2009

2 Reasons To Call NM Senators


Please circulate this information to family, friends, and colleagues. Encourage them to visit to subscribe to receive personal alerts.

David Hamilton-Nominee for 7th Circuit Court of Appeals

As early as Monday 11/16, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will likely file a procedural motion to clear his nomination.

Call NM senators (contact info below). Tell them to VOTE NO on David Hamilton’s nomination for the reasons below.

You may recall our alert about his appointment back in May. There was ENORMOUS public outcry against President Obama’s nomination of this former executive director of NARAL and ACORN fundraiser. In addition, he:

* was called “not qualified” by the American Bar Association
* ordered the Indiana Speaker of the House to cease prayers using Jesus’ name at the opening of the legislative sessions
* ruled that praying to Allah was acceptable in opening prayers
* has a long history of overt judicial activism, stating a judge’s primary job is to “write footnotes in the Constitution”
* blocked reasonable abortion informed consent laws

Senator Jeff Bingaman
Phone: 202-224-5521
Fax: 202-224-2852

Senator Tom Udall
Phone: 202-224-6621
Fax: 202-228-3261

Senate Healthcare Bill

Next week the senate will resume writing their final version of healthcare reform legislation.

Call NM senators and urge them to insist on the following:

* insert the language of the Stupak Amendment, which appears in HR 3962 and passed in the House last week. It ensures NO FEDERAL FUNDING for abortion. Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) plans to offer the Stupak Amendment language for a Senate vote.
* protection of conscience regulations for healthcare workers
* tort reform for medical malpractice suits

Pointing out the following would also help improve the legislation:

* as currently drafted healthcare reform will impose rigid control on private health plans, amounting to government run healthcare
* there is currently no protection to prevent rationing of care resulting in the hastening of death for elderly Americans

Please consider a donation to TVAC-NM today ( to help us continue to provide legislative alerts and updates to protect life, marriage, and families.

Encourage others to subscribe at We must continue to build our subscriber base to ensure success in the upcoming NM Legislative Session (where we will face a formidable assault to pass domestic partnership, designed to impose gay marriage against the will of the majority of New Mexicans) and to defeat federal legislation disrespecting life, marriage and families.

Thank you for your steadfast commitment to protect life, marriage and families!


The Traditional Values Action Committee-NM



Friday, October 9, 2009

Legislative Update

Please circulate this information to family, friends and colleagues. Encourage them to visit to subscribe to receive personal alerts.

New Mexico

A Special Session of the NM Legislature will begin on Saturday 10/17 at noon. It will focus exclusively on the state’s financial deficit of $500 MILLION +.

Prior to the session’s commencement, from 10-10:30 AM, the Santa Fe Tea Party organization will hold a press conference inside the Roundhouse. Marita Noon from Citizens for Responsible Energy and Paul Gessing from the Rio Grande Foundation are scheduled to speak. As more information becomes available, updates will be provided. Outside the capitol, supporters will line the street with signs encouraging fiscal responsibility.

From 12:00-12:15 PM, Equality NM will attempt to circle the Roundhouse with supporters, forming an “engagement ring” to remind the NM Legislature of their desire for same-sex marriage in NM. Gov. Richardson has promised the January 2010 Legislative Session will debate domestic partnership.

Federal Agenda


  • Currently there are 5 bills facing Congress; 3 in the House and 2 in the Senate. Each bill in the House will cost over $1 TRILLION. The Senate’s Health Policy Committee’s bill will cost $1 TRILLION +. The Senate’s
  • Finance Committee’s bill will cost $829 BILLION. (Vote expected on this bill Tuesday 10/13.) Each bill will levy new taxes on individuals and businesses. EVERY bill will fund abortion on the public and private level (because the new Capp amendment overrides the Hyde amendment and provides for federal abortion funding). No bill protects healthcare providers who object to participating in abortion.
  • It is essential that you contact our NM senators and your representative (contact info provided below) to inform them of your opposition to federal abortion funding and lack of conscience clause regulations.

Senator Jeff Bingaman
Phone: 202-224-5521
Fax: 202-224-2852

Senator Tom Udall
Fax: 202-228-3261

Congressman Martin Heinrich
Phone: 202-225-6316
Fax: 202-225-4975

Congressman Harry Teague
Phone: 202-225-2365
Fax: 202-225-9599

Congressman Ben Ray Lujan
Phone: 202-225-6190
Fax: 202-226-1528


  • Includes Hate Crime language as part of this defense appropriations bill because hate crime legislation will not pass as a stand alone bill. Vote may occur ANYTIME.
  • It doesn’t aid in fighting crime. It serves to silence those speaking against homosexuality.
  • In EVERY nation where hate crimes laws were enacted these laws are used to intimidate, silence and punish those who express religious objections to the normalization of homosexuality.
  • Contact our NM senators and your representative (contact info provided below). Urge them to oppose this appropriations bill UNLESS hate crime language is ELIMINATED.

Senator Jeff Bingaman
Phone: 202-224-5521
Fax: 202-224-2852

Senator Tom Udall
Fax: 202-228-3261

Congressman Martin Heinrich
Phone: 202-225-6316
Fax: 202-225-4975

Congressman Harry Teague
Phone: 202-225-2365
Fax: 202-225-9599

Congressman Ben Ray Lujan
Phone: 202-225-6190
Fax: 202-226-1528


  • Counseled a 15/16 yr old boy, who was having sex with older men, to use a condom. He DID NOT report the incident to the boy’s parents, school administrators or the police.
  • Wrote a forward, supporting the book, “The Queering of Elementary Schools.”
  • Claims to have been inspired by Harold Hay, a supporter of NAMBLA, which advocates homosexual relationships between minor boys and men.
  • Contact the White House (202-456-1111) and tell the president Kevin Jennings is UNFIT to serve in this capacity and MUST be fired!


  • Nominated to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  • Former counsel to the ACLU and pro-homosexual Human Rights Campaign
  • Co-author of the anti-faith ENDA Employment Non-Discrimination Act
  • ENDA is part of the hate speech agenda-designed to prevent Christian organizations from refusing to hire LBGT (lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender) individuals based on religious beliefs.
  • Contact senators and representatives to OPPOSE ENDA!

Please consider a donation to TVAC-NM TODAY to help us continue to provide legislative alerts and updates to protect life, marriage and families.

Also encourage others to subscribe at We must substantially increase our subscriber database to ensure success in the upcoming NM Legislative Session AND to defeat federal legislation disrespecting life, marriage and families.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to protect life, marriage and families!


The Traditional Values Action Committee-NM


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Pastor Michael Mullins' Perspective on Stem Cell Research

Pastor Michael Mullins shares his point of view on stem cell research in a letter to Senator Eichenberg.

Senator Eichenberg:

I am writing to express my opposition to SB77. I do not believe that historically, ethically or medically this bill truly serves any purpose other than monetary greed. The argument that the end justifies the means does not fit here because, according to all research available at the moment, only adult stem cells have produced successful results.

Your committee's vote on this matter reaches into the ethical and moral arenas of life. A vote for this measure swings open the abortion-for-profit mills and does not adequately address proper punishment for violation of the act as set.

I am praying that you and your committee truly understand the implications of what you are doing and not allow the trends of states around us, or our nation, to sway your opinions and decisions.Thank you for your time and consideration of my message.

Michael J Mullins

Friday, January 30, 2009

Perspective on the Senate Joint Committee Hearing on SB 12

Father Pio O'Connor shares his thoughts on Wednesday's Senate Joint Committee Hearing of the Domestic Partnership Bill.

“Why do they care so much about something that has nothing to do with them?” asked a supporter of Senate Bill 12.

This bill has everything to do with us! The Domestic Partners Rights and Responsibilities Act, if passed, will open the door to taking away our religious freedom as a country founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs.

“This is not a marriage bill,” declares the sponsor of the bill.

If this bill passes, the New Mexico courts can act and declare – as the courts did in California – that the ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional! Once same-sex marriage is passed, then the Judeo-Christian teaching that homosexuality is a disorder and homosexual acts are wrong will become a crime!

If same-sex marriage is allowed by the state, then anyone opposed to homosexual marriage because of their religious beliefs would be persecuted. This has already happened in New Mexico!

The New Mexico Human Rights Commission ruled last year that an Albuquerque photographer was guilty of discrimination for refusing to photograph a same-sex “commitment ceremony” because of the photographer’s religious beliefs.

“This is a civil rights issue,” says Senator Eric Griego, a Catholic who amazingly supports this bill. His words are prophetic. If this bill passes the civil rights of ordinary citizens will be threatened as they are coerced by the courts to accept homosexuals as “normal” and “acceptable” even if their religious beliefs tell them different.

As a Catholic priest: If I stand up on a Sunday in church and proclaim the teaching of the Catholic Church that homosexual orientation is a disorder and not in God’s plan for man and woman (“be fruitful and multiply”), and that living actively the gay life style is gravely sinful – will I be arrested for “hate” speech and discriminating against homosexuals, who’s marriage is now legal?

The Domestic Partnership Bill is on a crash course with religious liberty! PLEASE VOTE NO ON SENATE BILL 12.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Catholic Church Teachings on Homosexual Unions

Pope John Paul II & Pope Benedict XVI

Considerations Regarding Proposals To Give Legal Recognition
To Unions Between Homosexual Persons
IV. Positions of Catholic Politicians With Regard To
Legislation In Favour Of Homosexual Unions
10. If it is true that all Catholics are obliged to oppose the legal recognition of homosexual unions, Catholic politicians are obliged to do so in a particular way, in keeping with their responsibility as politicians. Faced with legislative proposals in favour of homosexual unions, Catholic politicians are to take account of the following ethical indications.
When legislation in favour of the recognition of homosexual unions is proposed for the first time in a legislative assembly, the Catholic law-maker has a moral duty to express his opposition clearly and publicly and to vote against it. To vote in favour of a law so harmful to the common good is gravely immoral.
The Sovereign Pontiff Pope John Paul II, in the Audience of March 28, 2003, approved the present Considerations, adopted in the Ordinary Session of this Congregation, and ordered their publication.
Rome, from the Offices of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, June 3, 2003, Memorial of Saint Charles Lwanga and his Companions, Martyrs.
Joseph Card. Ratzinger(Pope Benedict XVI)
Angelo Amato, S.D.B.
Titular Archbishop of Sila Secretary

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Domestic Partnership Laws Do Not Protect Freedoms

Domestic Partnership laws DO NOT Protect Individual and Religious Freedoms!

* California: Supreme Court affirms the state is obligated to punish a Christian doctor for refusing to inseminate a lesbian couple.
*Massachusetts: Court rules Catholic Charities Adoption agency cannot discriminate among couples. Agency closes.
*New Jersey: Methodist group stripped of its tax exemption for disallowing civil union "marriages" on their property.
*Connecticut: Supreme Court uses recently passed civil union law to redefine existing marriage law to include same sex unions.
Even with religious exempting language in law the courts say you cannot discriminate.
*New Mexico: A Christian photographer fined for refusing to photograph civil union ceremony.

A vote for Domestic Partnerships is a vote AGAINST Individual and Religious Freedom!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Against All Odds

If the current political landscape resembled the world of sports, the cause of traditional values would be facing a large halftime deficit. Opponents of traditional marriage, family structure and the right to life have made tremendous gains in recent years, particularly with major coups in recent election cycles. However, a big deficit at halftime does not mean a lost cause. In fact, we should take this opportunity to gather ourselves and take action to ensure that our deficit at halftime does not result in losses when the game is over.

A perfect example of this from the sports world occurred in the National Football League playoffs in January 1993. The Buffalo Bills found themselves trailing the Houston Oilers 35 to 3 at halftime. The Bills could have easily rolled over at that juncture. No team had ever erased a 32 point deficit at halftime in playoffs, and the Bills would need to climb this mountain with their backup quarterback Frank Reich. The Bills showed diligence and played a nearly perfect 2nd half, forcing the Oilers into miscues and capitalizing on them. The Bills won that game 41-38 and proceeded to their 3rd straight Super Bowl appearance.

We can learn a lot from the Bills effort that day. We must never give up, no matter how bleak external factors appear to be. We must continue to defend traditional values and our diligent efforts will result in progress for our beliefs.

Thank You For Joining

Thank you for taking the first step in defending traditional values. By signing up with this website, you have demonstrated that you are serious abouut defending family values. This website is equipped so that you, a concerned citizen, can easily participate in the democratic process at both a state and federal levels to express displeasure with proposed legislation intended to erode values of society that we hold dear to our hearts.

We will be sending emails and/or text message alerts when your action is needed. In email, you will see the name Pam Wolfe-Trad Values NM as the sender. When you see this name in your inbox, you will know that the TVAC has something important to share.

We thank you for your support and look forward to communicating with all of you in the very near future.